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Before contacting us for questions, you may find answers to some most frequently asked questions about our lab here for your convenience:


Q: Is Dr. Jay Van Bavel recruiting new graduate students this application cycle?


A: Yes, we are aiming to interview prospective PhD students this application cycle. We invite all interested students to apply for our lab. Please read this document for information about the lab and tips for your application. More information can be found in the Join Us tab.



Q: Can I join the lab as an undergraduate research assistant?


A: Yes! If you are interested in joining the lab as a research assistant, please fill out this form and we will contact you when the position is available that fits your background and interests. If we do not find a position immediately, we will keep your information on file. In the meantime, we encourage you to apply to other labs. More information can be found in the Join Us tab.

Q: Where can I learn more about the research conducted in the lab?


A: You can find links to our publications under the publication tab on this website. You can also follow our social media accounts such as Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook for the latest updates about our research. Meanwhile, subscribe to our free lab newsletter to receive monthly updates about our studies, lab news and more. 


Q: I worked in the lab and would like to request a letter of recommendation. What's the best way to do so?


A: For a recommendation letter, please fill out the information requested in the following Google form:


Q: Who should I contact if I have any questions about the lab that is not covered on this website?


A: If you have any other questions, Please feel free to contact the lab manager through the form at the bottom of the page under the Contact tab.



Social Identity and Morality Lab
Director: Jay Van Bavel

Department of Psychology
New York University
6 Washington Place, Room 453
New York, NY 10003




Web design by Sarah Grevy Gotfredsen

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