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-The Atlantic

January 2022

-Los Angeles Times

November 2021

-The Guardian

November 2021


November 2021

-The Wall Street Journal

October 2021

-New York Magazine

September 2021

-The Washington Post

July 2021

-Los Angeles Times

April 2021

-Los Angeles Times

April 2021


March 2021


January 2021

-Scientific American

November 2020

-Nature Research Social and Behavioural Sciences

March 2020

-Washington Post 

March 2020

-BBC World News

February 2020

-Scientific American

August 2019

-Scientific American

May 2019


March 2019

-Scientific American

November 2019

-In-Mind Magazine

June 2018

-The Psychologist

June 2018

-CREST Review 

Spring 2018

-The New York Times

July 2017

-The Wall Street Journal 

Feb 2017

-Harvard Business Review

December 2016

-The New York Times

December 2016


November 2016


October 2017

-The New York Times

May 2016

-Scientific American 

June 2015

Schadenfreude in Gaza?

-The Washington Post

August 2014

-The New York Times 

April 2014

-Scientific American

November 2013

-Scientific American 

September 2013

Social Identity and Morality Lab
Director: Jay Van Bavel

Department of Psychology
New York University
6 Washington Place, Room 453
New York, NY 10003

Web design by Sarah Grevy Gotfredsen

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